Dental veneers can solve many problems and especially better the look of your teeth. The removal or insertion of veneers can make your teeth look attractive.
Some problems that dental veneers solve:
If your teeth are discoloured then veneers can fix it. Teeth stains can be the result of many things like smoking, alcohol, drugs, medicines etc. Veneers replace stained teeth and solve all your problems. If your teeth are frayed down then veneers can be the solution. If your teeth are broken or chipped then it can solve the problem. Sometimes your teeth grow uneven, misaligned, badly shaped; dental veneers solve that problem too. Dental veneers specifically work to fill the gaps between your teeth. Dental veneers have proven to be a beneficial process in solving many of your dental problems. But like every medical method that comes with some advantage and disadvantage, dental veneers too have a few negative points.
The advantages of dental veneers are:
It provides a presentable tooth appearance. The tissues in your gum tolerate porcelain very well. The porcelain dental veneer is stain resistant. You can select the colour of the veneer to make your teeth whiter. You can also change the shape of your teeth. As dental veneers are a little complicated, there is a set of procedures to have dental veneers and those may include:
Diagnosis: First, you need to detect the problem area before you have dental veneers. Treatment: You need to have an X-ray of your teeth and mouth before getting dental veneers. Preparation: Between your diagnosis and treatment while your tooth enamel is a subject of examination you should take proper care of your teeth.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Ruchi Lohia","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Cracked Teeth - Amazing Tips To Treat It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Teeth are remarkably strong, but they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. This can happen in several ways:
Biting down on something hard Being hit in the face or mouth Falling Having cavities that weaken the tooth Having large, old amalgam fillings that don't support the remaining enamel of the tooth When a tooth chips or breaks, it may not hurt. However, your tongue usually feels the sharp area quite quickly. Minor tooth fractures usually don't cause pain, but if a large piece of the tooth breaks off, it can hurt. The nerve inside the tooth may be damaged. Extreme discomfort also can happen when nerve endings in the dentin are exposed to air, or to hot or cold foods or drinks.
Some of the types of cracked teeth, in increasing order of severity of the crack, are listed below.
Craze lines: These thin, shallow lines are limited to the outer layer of enamel and are very common in adults. They are not painful and only cause a mild esthetic concern. Fractured cusp: The tip of the front teeth or the cusp of the molars could be broken. In both cases, if only the enamel is chipped off, then there is no pain. However, if it extends into the dentin, it can cause sensitivity. Cracked tooth: The line of breakage is along with the tooth, vertically extending towards the root, but the tooth is not split. This can be quite painful and requires immediate attention. Early intervention is helpful in preventing tooth loss. Split tooth: If the damage is even greater, then the crack continues through the length of the tooth and splits the tooth into two. This cannot be saved and in most cases will require extraction. Vertical root fracture: A blow to the lower line of the lower jaw can cause an injury like this. The crack begins in the root of the tooth and extends toward the crown. This leads to infection of the surrounding gums and teeth which is when they are usually detected. The following are common methods to treat cracked teeth.
Dental bonding: Dental bonding is a procedure, wherein, tooth-coloured composite material is applied to a tooth, sculpted into shape, hardened, and polished. It is called bonding because of the material bonds to the tooth. An adhesive material resembling the tooth is permanently applied to mask and reinforce the crack lines making the tooth both esthetic and strong at the same. In newer treatments, there's a newer material that repairs cracks and can even salvage teeth that are even vertically fractured but prognosis depends from case to case. Dental bonding is ideal for fixing a broken or chipped tooth or closing small gaps between teeth. Veneer: A thin layer of enamel is removed and either porcelain or composite is used to replace this enamel and the lost tooth structure. This can be used in cases of fractured cusps and broken edges of incisors also. Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy. Because they are very thin and are held in place by a special, strong adhesive, very little preparation of the tooth is needed. Some types of veneers don't need any preparation at all. Crowns: In some cases, especially molars, if the amount of tooth loss is significant, then a full crown may be needed to restore the tooth structure. For a crown to be placed without root canal, there should be no pain in the tooth. Root canal: If the crack is vertical or involves the root portion of the tooth, then it is very likely that the tooth will require root canal treatment. The root needs to be cleared of infection, and if there is significant tooth material lost, then a crown also would be required. Extraction: If a tooth has been broken, your dentist will try to fix it with a bonding, veneer, crown or other treatment. Sometimes, though, there's too much damage or has been vertically fractured and cannot be salvaged. In this case, it requires removal.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Ruchi Lohia","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Importance Of Replacing Missing Tooth!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"It is important to replace your missing teeth, as there is drifting of adjacent teeth leading to open contact areas and further decay. Moreover, abnormal contact areas put further stress on temporomandibular joint leading to clicking sound or pain while opening the mouth.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Garima Malhotra","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Broken Front Tooth - How To Handle It In Children?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"More than often, parents have to deal with children coming home with a broken front tooth/teeth. Dental problems, injuries sustained during physical activities and games, munching on certain foodstuffs (nuts, certain candies) contribute in a big way to chipped a front tooth. It is advisable for parents to consult a dentist at the earliest. Left unattended, the situation might result in infections or other dental complications.
A broken front tooth is often the hardest to fix. The effectiveness of the treatment is largely governed by the nature and severity of the damage.
1. In case of a really small crack or a break, the problem can be fixed by simply filing the broken surface to smoothen it.
2. Dental bonding comes as a huge relief in situations where a small portion or corner of the front tooth chips off. The procedure is simple and hassle-free. The surface of the broken tooth is fixed or bonded with a bonding material. The material is shaped well to give it a more natural appearance. The bonding material is finally hardened using UV light.
3. Dental crowning comes in handy when a large chunk of the front tooth cracks or breaks off. To understand the condition better, an X-ray of the affected tooth is carried out. If everything goes fine, the dentist proceeds to the next step. The tooth to be crowned is then filed down to ensure sufficient space to fit in the crown.
In some cases, the break results in enormous loss of the tooth. Under such circumstances, a filling material is used to assist the tooth in holding the crown. Next, an impression of the tooth (receiving the crown), as well as the opposing tooth, is made using putty. Till the new crown is being manufactured, the dentist may fix a temporary crown (generally made of acrylic) to protect the tooth. In the next sitting, the dentist replaces the temporary crown with a permanent one. The crown used may be of stainless steel, all porcelain, all ceramic, metal, porcelain fused to metal or all resin.
In case of extensive damage, Root canal is performed prior to the dental crowning. This goes a long way to ward off any possible dental infection or injury.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Puneet Chopra","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Ceramic Crowns & Metal Ceramic Crowns - What Differentiate Them?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"A dental crown is a tool that is often used by dentists to fix a variety of problems that can alter the appearance of your teeth and your smile. This cap-like object is placed over the tooth to cover weak teeth as well as chipped, discoloured and broken teeth. It can also be used when a filling has left a large open space in the tooth that has been hollowed out in the course of the treatment. There are many kinds of crowns available today including ceramic, metal, stainless steel, porcelain, milled and even entirely resin crowns. While the suitably of each one finally depends on the patient, the most commonly used crowns are ceramic and metal-ceramic crowns. Read on to know the difference between the two.
Definition: While a ceramic crown is made up of a glass-like substance like porcelain, a metal-ceramic crown is one that is basically metal, which has been fused with porcelain. These are called porcelain fused to metal crowns and usually have a metal base that forms the interior of the crown.
Durability: The metal-ceramic crowns are known for their durability with plenty of strength and a better fit. Meanwhile, the ceramic crowns are not considered to be as robust due to the porcelain makeup of the structure. They are best suited for the front teeth and cannot really sustain for a long period as far as the insides of the jaws go, as the chewing and biting motion can render cracks and chips in the surface after a certain point of time.
Aesthetics: While the ceramic crown is definitely a better and more natural-looking option, the metal-ceramic crown has a metal side, which can show up as well. It may not be too different as far as looks go, due to the porcelain coating of the crown. Yet, one has to remember that due to the durability factor, the metal interior will hold on much longer than the ceramic crown as the latter may start to show when the gums begin to recede.
Fabrication: Both these types of crowns are fabricated using pretty much the same procedure. Yet, the structural weakness in the metal-ceramic crowns may come from the fact that the fabrication procedure is slightly more complex as the metal has to be fused into the ceramic structure of the crown. Both types of crowns have a similar thickness and lustre at the end of the day.
Expenses: The ceramic crown is a slightly less expensive option as compared to the metal-ceramic crown mainly due to the material used as well as the fabrication process.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.M. R. Pujari","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Saving A Knocked Out Tooth!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"More than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year in children and adults. With proper emergency action, a tooth that has been knocked out of its socket can be successfully replanted and last for years. It is important to see a dentist as soon as possible after the tooth is knocked out. Quick action will increase the likelihood of saving the tooth.
Saving a Knocked Out Tooth
1. Pick up tooth by the crown (the chewing surface) not the root Locate the tooth immediately; do not leave it at the site of the accident. The tooth should be handled carefully touch only the crown to minimize injury to the root.
2. If dirty, gently rinse tooth with water a. Do not use soap or chemicals b. Do not scrub the tooth c. Do not dry the tooth d. Do not wrap it in a tissue or cloth
3. Reposition tooth in socket immediately, if possible The sooner the tooth is replaced, the greater the likelihood it will survive. To reinsert, carefully push the tooth into the socket with fingers, or position above the socket and close mouth slowly. Hold the tooth in place with fingers or by gently biting down on it.
4. Keep tooth moist at all times The tooth must not be left outside the mouth to dry. If it cannot be replaced in the socket, put it in one of the following: Emergency tooth preservation kit Milk Mouth (next to cheek) Regular tap water is not recommended for long term storage because the root surface cells do not tolerate water for long periods of time.
5. See a dentist within 30 minutes Bring the tooth to a dentist as soon as possible, ideally, within 30 minutes. However, it is possible to save the tooth even if it has been outside the mouth for an hour or more.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Arunima Chandra","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Dental Care!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Do not use your teeth for doing something other than chewing food. Using them for cracking nuts, removing bottle tops or ripping open packaging can result in chipped or broken teeth.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Kushal Bhandari","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Healthy Teeth Management!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Do not use your teeth for doing something other than chewing food. Using them for cracking nuts, removing bottle tops or ripping open packaging can result in chipped or broken teeth.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Puneet Kansal","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Dental Veneers - The Many Advantages You Must Know!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"A thin layer of material placed over a tooth to protect its surface or improves its appearance is known as veneer. Dental veneers are a popular treatment for transforming your smile s overall appearance. Placement of dental veneers can dramatically improve your smile and appearance. Most people believe that veneers are a single treatment when there are actually many types of veneer you can avail.
Some common types of veneers include
Composite Veneers: Composite veneers are more commonly done. These are adjusted and sculpted during the dentist appointment. Cracked or chipped tooth, small cosmetic problems are usually fixed with composite veneers.
Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are expensive, but the effect they have on your smile is worth every penny. Porcelain veneer treatment involves multiple trips to the dentist s office. They are stain-resistant and are more durable than other veneers.
Types of Dental Problems That Veneers Fix-
Veneers are routinely used to fix:
Teeth that are discolored -- either because of root canal treatment; stains from tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride or other causes; or the presence of large resin fillings that have discolored the tooth Teeth that are worn down Teeth that are chipped or broken Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped (for example, have craters or bulges in them) Teeth with gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth) Advantages-
The advantages of veneers are as follows:
They give a natural appearance to your teeth.
The tissues of the gum can tolerate porcelain well.
Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains.
The porcelain colour can be chosen to make dark teeth appear whiter.
Veneers offer a traditional approach in transforming the shape and colour of a tooth; they don t normally require the intensive shaping before the procedure, like dental crowns do.
Veneers offer an aesthetic dental substitute.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Premendra Goyal","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Broken Teeth Tips & Advice From Top Doctors | Lybrate
BDS, Fellow of Academy of General more
Dental veneers are also known as porcelain veneers are very thin, artificially made shell like things found in shades of the colour of your teeth. This material is designed to cover up the tooth surface in order to improve its appearance. These materials are changed according to your teeth colour, size and shape. Dental veneers can solve many problems and especially better the look of your teeth. The removal or insertion of veneers can make your teeth look attractive.
BDS, Fellow of Academy of General more
Teeth are remarkably strong, but they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. This can happen in several ways:
Biting down on something hard Being hit in the face or mouth Falling Having cavities that weaken the tooth Having large, old amalgam fillings that don't support the remaining enamel of the tooth When a tooth chips or breaks, it may not hurt. However, your tongue usually feels the sharp area quite quickly. Minor tooth fractures usually don't cause pain, but if a...more
It is important to replace your missing teeth, as there is drifting of adjacent teeth leading to open contact areas and further decay. Moreover, abnormal contact areas put further stress on temporomandibular joint leading to clicking sound or pain while opening the mouth.
Bachelor of dental science, MDS more
More than often, parents have to deal with children coming home with a broken front tooth/teeth. Dental problems, injuries sustained during physical activities and games, munching on certain foodstuffs (nuts, certain candies) contribute in a big way to chipped a front tooth. It is advisable for parents to consult a dentist at the earliest. Left unattended, the situation might result in infections or other dental complications.
A broken front tooth is often the hardest to fix. The effect...more
A dental crown is a tool that is often used by dentists to fix a variety of problems that can alter the appearance of your teeth and your smile. This cap-like object is placed over the tooth to cover weak teeth as well as chipped, discoloured and broken teeth. It can also be used when a filling has left a large open space in the tooth that has been hollowed out in the course of the treatment. There are many kinds of crowns available today including ceramic, metal, stainless steel, porcelain, mil...more
More than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year in children and adults. With proper emergency action, a tooth that has been knocked out of its socket can be successfully replanted and last for years. It is important to see a dentist as soon as possible after the tooth is knocked out. Quick action will increase the likelihood of saving the tooth.
Saving a Knocked Out Tooth
1. Pick up tooth by the crown (the chewing surface) not the root Locate the tooth immediately; do ...more
Certified Implantologist, Advanced more
Do not use your teeth for doing something other than chewing food. Using them for cracking nuts, removing bottle tops or ripping open packaging can result in chipped or broken teeth.
Do not use your teeth for doing something other than chewing food. Using them for cracking nuts, removing bottle tops or ripping open packaging can result in chipped or broken teeth.
A thin layer of material placed over a tooth to protect its surface or improves its appearance is known as veneer. Dental veneers are a popular treatment for transforming your smile s overall appearance. Placement of dental veneers can dramatically improve your smile and appearance. Most people believe that veneers are a single treatment when there are actually many types of veneer you can avail.
Some common types of veneers include
Composite Veneers: Composite...more
Book appointment with top doctors for Broken Teeth treatment